Swimming pools are excellent for relaxation
Swimming pools are an excellent way to meditate. These days, everyone is looking for ways to stay calm. Life is usually messy, but during these times, in particular, the last year or so has been especially tough on everybody. One of the best techniques for emphasizing mental wellness is to learn more about meditation. Mindfulness is a tremendous way to help you feel better about yourself and when paired with other self-care ideas such as swimming and relaxation in a hot tub or spa, you’ll be amazed at how effective it all is!
How to Meditate While Swimming
Your happy place could be inside your pool. Even though late winter will have its fair share of sunny days, these are usually mirages. After all, brisk winds and spotty flurries of snow can make it much more unpleasant to be outside with hardly any clothes on, unless you feel like diving in fully-clothed. Swimming is a great way to work out, and you’d be surprised how easy it is to meditate while getting in a few laps in after sitting still all day. Start out slow and focus on establishing a rhythm. Then, count your breaths. Each breath helps you zone in and block out the outside world for a bit. Individual strokes and laps can also help you find your zen. Breathe in through the mouth and out through your nose, but surface first!
Learning to Master Floating Meditation
Let’s suppose that you prefer to simply float in the water. You can do this on your own or with the assistance of a pool float – either way, it is perfectly fine! Eggbeater kicks will help you tread water and let your mind wander as you enjoy the gentle sensation of being almost weightless. Thoughts will come and go, but you can still be attentive enough to try a back float in the Savasana pose or dipping your head into the water far enough that your ears are covered. Use a pair of sunglasses or a small towel to shield your eyes from the sun.
Ways to Improve Your Seated Meditation Form
Once you are ready to get out of the water, you don’t have to scuttle inside for a shower. At least, not yet. Look for some shade by the water for a place where you can sit quietly. Granted, this is much easier to do on a warm spring day, but pool yoga stretches will take your mind off your worries for a little while.
Questions About Swimming Pools?Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC
If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. We here at Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC can build and install your pool or spa and also provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.