If you are curious about investing in saltwater pools, then chances are good that you will have many questions. Fortunately, when you work with the experts here at Sunrise Pool Builders, you can feel confident knowing that we will give you the best service and satisfaction that you expect from us. Here are several commonly asked questions about these types of pools, from experienced pool owners and from first-timers as well. So even if you are worried about how to maintain your new pool, you are not alone!
Can Saltwater Pools Freeze Over?
Even though we have only just entered autumn, it won’t be long until the first frost also arrives. Make no mistake – winter is coming, and in that case, you are probably concerned about your saltwater pool freezing over. Ocean water has higher levels of salt so that prevents them from totally freezing over. Winterizing your pool is a great way to ensure that this problem doesn’t affect you, your backyard, and your enjoyment of your pool deck.
Does the Tank Require A Filter?
A filtration system is necessary to ensure proper maintenance of your saltwater pool. A salt cell is installed in the pool; this attachment is what injects the salt into the water and helps to circulate it as well. You’ll notice that the cell is located between the filter and the pool structure itself.
Is There Chlorine In Them?
Chlorine is a big deal. Without it, you won’t be able to keep your pool clean. Even though we are in early October, there are still bound to be some delightfully warm days – perfect for having a dip in the pool! There is still going to be some chlorine, just not as much. Plus, you will have to flush out the pool and give it a good shock to help guarantee that bacteria and other microbes are eliminated.
How Does the Salt Affect the Taste of the Water?
A common misconception around saltwater pools is that the water contained within them tastes unpleasantly salty. We must reiterate that jumping into a saltwater pool is not the same as going into the water at the beach. A strange salty taste indicates a chemical imbalance or the salt cell is faulty for some reason.
Will It Kill Enough Germs?
Considering the current state of the world in regard to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, you are most likely going to be more mindful of germs and viruses than you were at this time last year. The chlorine present in all saltwater pools does its part in killing germs and defeating algae growth.
Questions? Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC
If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. We here at Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC can build and install your pool or spa and also provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.