Keeping your pool water chlorinated is an essential part of responsible pool ownership. Although saltwater pools are growing in popularity, their cachet is largely due to the perception that it doesn’t need chemicals to stay clean. That is an unfortunate misconception. The truth is that both pools rely on chlorine. It is just distributed differently. As such, the biggest question at hand is straightforward: do the generators save you money or not?
Perhaps It’s Possible
Chlorinators do recoup your investment in them. That said, you’re going to need to be patient until you start seeing results. Ultimately, it comes down to cost versus supply. How much did you pay for both the system and installation? Then you must compare it against the refills and other resources you’ll need to procure. Chemical tablets provide a simple solution, but those can get pricier over time. Less expensive machines may not be as effective at repelling the growth of algae. This situation means that you’ll probably be more inclined to get a saltwater pool a few years down the road.
Potential Device Downsides
Most of the time, you must infuse the salt directly into the water. This task sounds tedious and mildly unsafe, too. Even so, it’s a tiny amount of sodium that gets added, so you won’t have to worry about the water tasting like the ocean. Likewise, it isn’t supposed to bother your eyes or skin. Some caution isn’t a bad idea, though; neglecting to maintain nearby pool fixtures accelerates corrosion. Cleaning out the generator makes a huge difference. That’s because this little bit of upkeep clears away mineral deposits. These deposits interfere with smooth system operations. They also can lead to costly breakdowns, which might not be covered under your warranty policy.
How the Generators Pay Off
Even so, the generators could offer a great return on investment. The key point here is to be smart about it. Improperly handled chlorine poses unnecessary health risks. If you or anyone else in your swimming group are sensitive to chemicals and similar substances, their bodies will react accordingly. In other words, you will see red eyes and itchy skin. Water softeners are add-ons that benefit your home’s plumbing, but they also make jumping into the pool much more fun. And that’s because the water truly is softer!
Do You Have More Questions About Swimming Pools? Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC
If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. At Sunrise Pools, we can build and install your pool, spa, or hot tub and provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn.