Keeping Children and Pets Safe When Your Pool is Closed

Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders Children Pets Safe

Keeping children and pets safe once your pool has closed is more important than many people think and should be taken seriously.

Once a pool is closed, it’s easy to feel like you can finally just set it and forget it. After all, it’s blocked off and has its cover on. What could happen? Well, a lot, actually—especially for anyone with children or pets. If you have children or pets, now is the time to make sure you’re continuing to practice critical pool safety. Take extra steps to mitigate as much risk as possible of your loved ones ending up in the pool after it has been closed for winter.

High-Quality Pool Cover

First thing’s first—invest in a high-quality pool safety cover. A quality cover can support a lot of weight, which is important as it is the final defensive barrier that keeps your child or pet from accidentally falling into the pool. Ensure that the cover you have is heavy-duty and in good condition. Check it regularly for damage and replace it when necessary.

It is better to avoid allowing your child or pet to play on the pool cover, even if you trust it to hold their weight. Children and pets are notoriously curious and pretty sneaky. If they play on the pool cover and learn to trust it, they won’t hesitate to approach the pool even in unsafe conditions—this could lead to a serious incident.

Pool Fencing

Pool fencing is required by law, but not all pool fencing is created equal. Make sure your fencing is built in a way that it can effectively keep children and pets away from the pool. Check it regularly for any damage that could potentially lead to a break-in by a child or pet. If it needs repairs or a replacement, it’s best to take care of it right away.

Pool Alarm

If you don’t already have a pool alarm, now is the time to get one.

The most common pool alarm is one that floats on the surface of the water and detects motion. These are great for alerting you when someone or something has entered the pool. These should be in use throughout the year, as wildlife, children, and pets will all benefit from the added security when the pool is open.

You can also invest in a gate alarm, as well as a perimeter alarm around the pool. This can give you earlier warnings if a child or pet gets near the pool, offering more time for you to respond before they are able to potentially fall in.

Chemical Storage

Pool maintenance requires a lot of chemicals and additives for your pool water, all of which are dangerous to children and pets who might ingest them. Be sure to store these safely away in an area where children and pets cannot reach them to avoid an accident.

Remove Toys

Children and pets are often tempted by the appearance of toys, especially ones that are brightly colored. Once the pool is closed, make sure all of the toys are safely put away to keep them out of sight of your children and pets. This includes pool add-ons such as diving boards and water slides. Children, in particular, will want to play on these even in the off-season when the pool is closed. Leaving these out might provide too much temptation for a child to ignore, and their fun could land them in the water.

Do You Have More Questions About Swimming Pools? Ask Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC

If you still have questions about how to build a brand new swimming pool, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC is here to help you. At Sunrise Pools, we can build and install your pool, spa, or hot tub and provide you with pool chemicals, services, and more. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-349-3852. To see more from us and for tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, TwitterPinterest, and LinkedIn.

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