Even though we are called Sunrise Premier Pool Builders, that’s not all we’re known for. In addition to new pool construction, swimming pool renovations, seasonal openings & closings, all kinds of maintenance packages, pool tools and toys, we also do hot tubs and spas!
There’s more to backyard fun than having a pool. Spas and hot tubs are a great way to entertain guests or to just relax after a long day. Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders has a wide variety of spas and hot tubs to choose from. We have samples to look through, but contact us so we can review all styles and models we carry. Ask us about our Spa and Hot Tub installation services. We carry your hot tub and spa supplies including chemicals for spa & hot tub maintenance.

Deja Vu hot tub
Here are a few tips when caring for your hot tub or spa:
- Check the filter – It’s good for the filter if it is checked daily, as the heat generated from a hot tub can cause a lot of bacteria and algae growth. If sanitized properly, it can prevent problems like an excess bacteria from developing.
- Check the PH balance – Another good thing to check daily is the PH balance. If the PH balance is held between 7.4 and 7.6, it’ll help prevent most types of skin irritation and possibly prevent algae growth that can be common in hot tubs. Any children or people with sensitive skin are affected by a PH balance if its off.
- Make sure you’re using Bromine – Chlorine evaporates very quickly in the heat of a normal hot tub, so Bromine is the preferred chemical treatment method. Bromine can be checked pretty easily with test strips.
- Check the calcium hardness – You can do this either monthy or bi-monthly, but the calcium hardness should be between 100-200 MG/I. If calcium is not at an acceptable level, it can cause water lines and can encrust the filter if not properly treated. Most water sources need to have calcium added, since if the water can’t get enough calcium it can start breaking down other material to get it.
- Clean the water rim – If you don’t have a chance to do this daily, at least do it weekly. Cleaning the water rim is one of the easiest ways to keep your hot tub looking fresh and new. Letting this go can make maintenance harder and will make your hot tub look not as good as it could look.
These simple steps can help maintain your hot tub for years to come. If you don’t feel like doing any maintenance, Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders offer all types of maintenance packages for you to choose from. Our professionally trained staff will come out to perform maintenance and service so that you can enjoy your pool while also enjoying your busy lifestyle. A few of our packages include (with or without chemicals): weekly, bi-weekly and monthly maintenance; pool openings, closings, and pool equipment repair. Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders is your premium Maryland pool builder with the dedication and experience to beat the rest!

If you have any questions about Swimming Pool Maryland Services or need a variety of Maryland swimming pool installations, contact Sunrise Premiere Pool Builders LLC. By calling 410-349-3852 or clicking here today!
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Source: Five Hot Tub Maintenance Tips, Yahoo! Voices